20160424 傳威主日感言

今次仍是以答問方式分享923的秘密 。

問題 ( 1 )  :923共同信息讓我們知道 ,我們是回到過去為自己設謎 ,因此 ,我們能夠肯定 ,我們應該是得到被提的一群 。

那麼 ,主耶穌亦是否以這方式 ,知道自己是節期的主角呢 ?

答 :主耶穌亦是以這方式知道 ,原因,我們是學效主耶穌 。若果主耶穌是以預知的方式知道 ,那麼 ,我們就不能學效祂 。

問題 ( 2 )  :十王是得到穿梭時空新婦的指示下 ,舖排歷史 ,

那麼 ,俄羅斯的角色又是怎樣 ?他們看似是與美國同伙 ,但最後亦攻打以色列 。

答 :穿越時空的新婦 ,於歷史上 ,是隱形的 ,他們亦要十王保密 。如此 ,他們才能夠於建立眾多謎題而不讓人察覺。所以,幕後推手是知情的,但執行者卻是不知情的,因此,要分兩個層面去分析。



日華牧師分享,現在,就如一個遊戲玩到尾聲,之後,就是得著一個獎勵,以一件非常強勁的武器,再玩這個遊戲一次。事實上,聖經亦有提及這件武器。就是先知Bob Jones死前最後一個預言,提及他見到神武器庫的一件兵器。而這件兵器,就是神用來為祂的聖殿報仇的兵器,於耶和米書50章25-28節,以及51章20-24節記載,這件兵器會落入錫安的手上。

Armory of God's LOVE

The Lord has opened His armory and has brought out the weapons of His indignation; For this is the work of the Lord God of hosts In the land of the Chaldeans. (Jeremiah 50:25) God is arming the body of Christ with weapons of His divine love that the enemy has no defense against. We'll begin to see the army of God come together in unity, a common union, to where the enemy will have to leave entire cities. This army is getting ready to take entire cities and eventually entire states. In certain places in the world, they'll take entire nations.

This is the year the army of God comes together with angels beyond number and weapons that cannot be defeated by the enemy. Angels are here now preparing the body for the harvest and there will be a mighty victory. This year, even the blooming of the trees is something that Satan can't stop from happening.

Vision of God's Armory

In a vision Bob was shown the armory of God that is now open and the Father is releasing weapons of warfare that has never been available to man before. In this vision there were weapons put into my hands that terrorized me to even touch them. There's nothing in the entire world that can withstand what the Father is bringing out of His armory. Some of the first things He will deal with are in Jeremiah 51. In fact the first thing he'll deal with is the church that's been withstanding Him.

You [Cyrus of Persia, soon to conquer Babylon] are My battle-ax or maul and weapon of war for with you . I break nations in pieces, with you I destroy kingdoms, With you I break in pieces the horse and his rider, with you I break in pieces the chariot and the charioteer, With you I break in pieces man and woman, with you I break in pieces old man and youth, with you I break in pieces young man and maiden, With you I break in pieces the shepherd and his flock, with you I break in pieces the farmer and his yoke of oxen, and with you I break in pieces governors and commanders. And I will [completely] repay Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea for all the evil that they have done in Zion before your very eyes [I will do it], says the Lord. Behold, I am against you, says the Lord, O destroying mountain [which is burning out, you who will be as barren and desolate as an extinct volcano], you who [would] destroy the whole earth. I will stretch out My hand over and against you and roll you down from the [burnt] crags and will make you a burnt-out mountain [of combustive fires]. (Jeremiah 51:20-25)

20 你是我爭戰的斧子和打仗的兵器;我要用你打碎列國,用你毀滅列邦;

21 用你打碎馬和騎馬的;用你打碎戰車和坐在其上的;

22 用你打碎男人和女人;用你打碎老年人和少年人;用你打碎壯丁和處女;

23 用你打碎牧人和他的群畜;用你打碎農夫和他一對牛;用你打碎省長和副省長。

24 耶和華說:「我必在你們眼前報復巴比倫人和迦勒底居民在錫安所行的諸惡。」

25 耶和華說:你這行毀滅的山哪,就是毀滅天下的山,我與你反對。我必向你伸手,將你從山巖滾下去,使你成為燒毀的山。

(耶 51:20-25)

全篇信息的高潮,就是感言部份,是非常震撼和精彩的!是最深刻的!我們因為達到神的標準和要求,信心大到一個階段,用生命來證明我們的信心,到一個程度,我們不單只得着被提的信心和資格,這只是入門,我們還能賺取得到新婦的名分和位置,脫離時間流,與神時間穿梭回到12,000年前,從頭打過這個歷史策略遊戲,不過今次神奬賞了我們一件秘密武器,一隻金手指,由頭開始,從頭打過!所向披靡,天下無敵!可能甚至我們能夠與神回到16,400,000,000年前,用鐵杖管轄列國,掌管全個人類歷史,成為這班尊貴的隱形人,掌管和督導十王和肥美神,主宰和掌控人類所有的歷史內容和進程,在普天下,藏下許多共同信息,好像做謀一樣,設謎題和解謎題,自問自答,印證2012信息,原來這就是耶利米書和Bob Jones異象中所看見神武器庫中最後要奬勵和賜給我們的秘密武器。




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